January 01, 2014

Happy New Year! More of the Good - and a Bit of the Bad and Ugly

Happy New Year, everyone! 

No matter if your 2013 was amazing or rather blah - no matter how exciting or dull 2014 looks now, I hope each and every one of you will take every chance you get to make every day in 2014 count and worthwile!
All of you deserve to be happy!

Reading in 2013 - an overview
As for my 2013, it has been great and exciting life-wise  and dull and frustrating reading - wise.

I finished 108 books in 2012, so I planned on reading 120 books in 2013 - and failed.
I am still disappointed - not because I did not meet that goal, but because I had so much time to meet it and still just found myself too lazy to pick up a book.

However, I also learned a lot about myself as a reader this year. My reading tastes changed , as did my interests. I still love contemporary YA, but I want the books I read to be more serious and grown up. I really got into New Adult towards the end of the year and cannot wait to read more of that genre. I read almost no Historical Fiction or Fantasy - and I can't say I missed those sub-genres a lot. And while I claimed to hate nonfiction, the only books on my Christmas Wishlist actually were political autobiographies :)

The Challenges

I think I mentioned it before, but I will quickly go over the challenges I signed up for at the beginning of the year. Surprisingly enough, I read all the books I wanted to read for the TBR Pile, Sequel and Paranormal Romance Challenge - but I somehow forgot updating and then stopped counting. The only challenge I desperately failed at was the Debut Author Challenge and I don't plan on participating again this year.

The Blog

Um. Yeah. The blog has been all over the place this year. Ever since I finished Highschool last spring, my reading and blogging habits just tumbled together into one big mess that I am still trying to work out. I tried writing more discussion posts and - from time to time - including topics other than books. I still don't really have a clear idea of where I want to go with this, but my blogging schedule for 2014 is set up (!!!) and everything else will follow :)


This is actually really good news! My TBR has shrunk immensely! I may not have read all that many books this year, BUT I also didn't buy a bunch. And I forced myself to read the ones I never thought I'd pick up. That also lead to my reading a huge variety of books in 2013 - which is something I want to continue doing in 2014.

I have to say, I am incredibly motivated now to do my best and get back into reading in 2014!!
And because that is so, I won't hesitate to state here my

Reading Resolutions for 2014

1) Read 110 books
2) Listen to one audiobook a month.
3)Read at least one ebook a month.
4)Read at least one book from the Rory Gilmore Reading Challenge.
5) Finish ALL the series I've started (!!!)
6) Include an adult book whenever I feel like it!


  1. Great resolutions! I set myself on 100 books this year, maybe I can read more than that. :) I should really finish all the series I started, too, it's a terribly high number. We'll see, sometimes I just don't feel like reading a certain book.
    And I know that too-lazy-to-read thing, happens to me, too. I just cannot be bothered, especially after reading for class all day or something.
    Happy New Year!

    1. Yeah, the series-thing is a problem! Sometimes, no matter how much I love a series, I just don't feel like continuing it. I actually started the Vampire Academy series two years ago and am just about halfway through... *gives shameful look*....

  2. Ooh I hope you can read 110 books this year! I know what you mean, sometimes it's so hard to balance life with blogging, I definitely have been going through the same hectic feeling that you've been going through recently. I really hope you can reach your 2014 reading goal, though! <33 Also, I'm glad that your TBR has gotten down. I'm always soo behind so hopefully I can do that same exact thing this year!

    1. Haha, it's not like I read all that many books this year- I guess the main reason for my TBR shrinking was my constantly being broke this year :) But 110 books is happening!!! Well...I hope! It would be great!

  3. Happy New Year Laura! Cheers to a great year full of amazing books and reads :) I really want to finish series too. Ru doing the Series challenge? If nt I think you should, it's a great way to finish series (and boy do I have a ton to finish!)

    Happy New Year! Dee's Reads - My Reading Challenges

    1. Thaaank you! Series challenge is SO happening this year! I hate it too much when new sequels are coming out and I can't read them because I'm like..five books behind :D

  4. Same! But I've found myself doing nothing at all SO many times when I could have been reading! Netflix is a problem...as is staying in bed all day, listening to music :) Oh, and I'm sure you'll make 100 - or even more than that!! Good luck achieving your goals this year!


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