November 09, 2012

Feature & Follow Friday

FF 2012 Feature & Follow #122

Q: Do you mind books with similar ideas to other books? Similar concepts, backgrounds, retellings or pulled-to-publish fanfic? really depends...I used to write fanfic, as well (let's NOT talk about what KIND of fanfic!) and I think it's totally okay because I mean it MIGHT be good enough to entertain desperate people like me who can't let go of stories that have been finished by the original author LONG ago...
and also it MIGHT also bring some people to become authors so that we get a lot of new authors (preferably YA) or we're going to get new readers so that we can exchange our views on books or it might get us more bloggers for the exact same reason.
Then again I hate it when I buy a book (as in: pay money for an idea and the way the author presents it) and the only thing I get is half of the book (as in: the way the author presents the idea, not the idea itself). Gah - it freaks me out! I hate it! So I hope you get my point...I even like to read fanfic from time to time but I love the actual books I read for their originality :D


  1. I'm okay with fanfiction published online, not okay when people publish it traditionally to make money. Feels like a betrayal of the fandom.

    My follow friday! Please visit!

    1. True! I don't know how people get the idea of wanting to publish their fanfic :)

  2. I usually don't mind as long as there is some originality - something different, even if the books are a similar concept.

    1. yeah, I mean sometimes you can't even avoid t (eg fairytale retellings). But I hate when you see which elemts came from which books...

  3. Totally agree with your last point!

    New Follower!
    Kristen @OCA

  4. I have never really been one for fan fiction. I have nothing against it, but I just seem to gravitate to the author's story more than other people's version of continuance of it.

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

    1. Thank God I left that phase behind me :) As I said...I was kind of addicted...

  5. Agreed! I don't mind writing fan fiction at all (I used to do it myself when I was younger), but I don't like when it's being published. That's just making money off other people's hard work! New follower :)

    Judith @ Paper Riot

    1. Nothing more to add :) Thanks for the follow - I made sure to visit your blog, too!

  6. Great answer. I like how you see this both ways :)
    - New Follower
    Marissa @


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