So, this week was awful.
And for once I don't mean that in a teenager-y depressed way á la no one understands me, I'm such a desperate creature (you know what I'm talking about, don't you?) - but just in a sighing, very adult-ish stressed out way.
I mean, when I was still in highschool there were busy weeks, too. Those days where you didn't see home until the sun was already down again and you ran from A to B to get your stuff done and meanwhile tried to squeeze some homework in.
It's not like school is easier that way. I guess I was just more used to it. In school, I knew what to do for a good mark and even if it cost me three nights of sleep and tears and hurting fingers I would get that A if I wanted it.
At Uni, things are a lot more complicated. You might be working your something off, but you still can't be sure it's enough. Hell, you could be doing something completely irrelevant and noone tells you!
This is what happened to me this week. It is just frustrating working so hard and then realizing you did it wrong/ have to improve majorly in that area etc. etc.
In addition to that comes all the other work you still have to do that you might also be doing wrong.
And then you go for your every day easy run and realize it is. not. easy.
It was quite awful for me this week. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday I literally paused every three seconds, gasping for air and asking myself what was wrong with me.
I mean, failing at one thing, fine. You move on and try again tomorrow. But failing at one thing, being insecure about something else and then realizing that you can't even run half a mile anymore is sort of depressing.
So, here's what I did.
1) Skipped dinner every night and shoved my mouth full with candy and pastries.
2) Limited running to minimum length and minimum speed.
3) Left that watch at home. (Me without my Garmin? Has never happened before!)
4) Actually set down to read a book that was not a law book.
5) Went shopping.
Okay, that last point is not entirely true. I have not gone shopping yet. I am going shopping after I'm done with this post.
The point I'm trying to make here is: If you feel stressed out (especially with the holidays coming up!!!) and ready to stay in bed all day - do that!
And if the majority of you (like me) can't afford staying in bed all day, try deleting some things from your schedule. And if you think that's impossible, I'm here to tell you it is not. It. Is. Not.
You don't have to do every single thing in the world. Not everything and not everyday. Give yourself a break and just do what you want to do (plus the things you HAVE to do like feed your children).
I think it's frustrating when people advice you to "just take a break" in times like these, because usually you just can't. I get that. There might just not be free weekends. But I promise you there are free minutes. Sometimes even free hours. And we need them. So I think we should take them.
Okay, enough for today. I hope this post inspired you :D
And that you have a fantastic (or at least very efficient) weekend!!!